Result 1:Policy Brief towards Rural Areas Development & Sustainability through Youth Participation
“Reactive Youth – Promoting Policies and Youth Dialogue” is a comprehensive guide addressing the needs of young people through inclusive policies and dialogue. The policy brief identifies key themes:
- youth empowerment,
- participatory decision-making, and
- collaboration between local authorities and civil society.
Examining various territories in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Slovenia and Austria, it explores challenges like limited youth representation, unemployment, and population decline. Field research utilized surveys and desk research, revealing limited youth involvement, communication gaps, and lack of resources for youth initiatives.
Results indicate that young people’s voices are often marginalized in decision-making processes, hindering policy effectiveness. Communication barriers and resource constraints also impede youth-driven initiatives. Successful practices emphasize inclusivity and mentorship. The brief emphasizes adopting inclusive policies and building youth capacities for effective engagement.
Discussion centers on youth as agents of change, barriers they face, and stakeholders’ roles in fostering engagement. Youth involvement benefits both individuals and communities, necessitating an environment with resources and opportunities. Collaboration among authorities, civil society, education, and the private sector is essential for holistic youth support.
Recommendations involve local authorities understanding youth challenges, diagnosing local problems, and creating strategies to address them. They should establish inclusive platforms, support youth centers, and amplify existing initiatives. Leveraging EU initiatives can further youth participation and rural development. Local authorities should align their strategies with EU frameworks and facilitate engagement in these initiatives.
Overall, the policy brief emphasizes the transformative potential of youth engagement, highlighting the significance of inclusive policies, effective communication, and multi-stakeholder collaboration for building vibrant and responsive communities. It gathers existing good practices in all collaborating countries and so serves as a practical guide book on how to reach youths’ full potential.
Want to change the marginalization of youth in rural areas? The prepared guide book is here for you to enable young people and help them reach their full potential in their local environment.