Plataforma por un Valle del Tiétar en Transición (Coordinator)(ES)

logo PVTT

PVTT emerged in 2019 with the vocation to deal with global problems from the local, rethinking the territory where we live from a bioregional approach. Its motivation is to contribute to the creation of a new model of development and life built on the reality of the territory of the Tiétar Valley, considering that our shire constitutes the territorial scale with sufficient identity and resilience for these transformation efforts to be possible and sustained over time. Listening capacity and the active participation of sectors of the population are indispensable requirements of our approach and its actions. For these reasons PVTT establishes synergies, agreements and alliances for the transition strategy it craves. Its approach is reflected through training, informational, legal or vindicative actions, in its own name or in collaboration with other citizen entities, social, environmental, political, business, trade unions, etc., which share the objectives of the entity or, in compliance with the individuals and the scope of competence of the different organizations that make up it.


NEO SAPIENS is a European mobility and training, social company which main aim is the design, management and implementation of educational, training, entertainment, culture and transnational mobility projects and local initiatives to promote training opportunities on non formal education and interculturality. It offers supporting services focused on implementing this kind of activities and the development of pedagogic and learning materials related to them for public entities, schools, non-profit organisations and individuals of any age or background, help to carry out projects for education, social development or/and transnational mobility, and facilitates the staff and sources needed for their implementation.



Alpine Pearls (AP) is a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) connecting 19 destinations from the four alpine countries Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Germany. It aims at promoting sustainable tourism activities and the development of soft mobility solutions. The network supports its members and their activities to reach high-quality standards for sustainability, promote new sustainable holiday concepts, and contributes to the environmental protection and sustainability of the alpine area. The activities raise awareness on issues like climate change and soft mobility, and at the same time promote local identities, heritage and traditions of the involved communities. Alpine Pearls cooperates with ministries, service providers, companies, other EGTCs, as well as regional and national tourism organizations.


The Vardakeios School of Ermoupoli is a non- profit association based on Syros island in Greece. It was established in 1872 and for 150 years has been offering formal and informaleducation in students with different social and cultural background. Since 2004 the School organises programs for adults that focus on foreign language learning, basic educational skills and self enrichment. In this direction the school offers courses of Greek, English, Spanish, Italian and French language and also workshops related to creative writing, art history, chess, photography, handcraft with recycled materials for local people and immigrants. Since 2009 Vardakeios participates in European programs for Adult Education and has developed a strong national and European network of organisations that work in the same field. Through these partnerships the School contributes in the development of interactive educational resources about digital storytelling, language learning through 3D environments or about healthy eating and multiethnic food. The Erasmus+ project,“Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion” that was coordinated by the Vardakeios School was selected by the Greek National Agency, IKY, as one of the Best Practice projects for the years 2014-2017 in the field of Strategic Partnerships.



Polygonal is a non-profit organisation working in the field of youth education, adult empowerment, e-learning opportunities for digital up-re-skilling, focussing much on grassroots activities embracing different sort of target groups, like seniors, fragile adults and young people, above all for career orientation. It was firstly set up in 2017 by an informal group of young professionals willing to create an innovative hub for young people in a rural area in the outskirts of Rome. Polygonal working fields are related to innovative practices in digital education for social change, taking care of the need of all those groups which risk suffering from rural background – difficulties in terms of geographical movements as well as lack of opportunities in participating to the society at large. All the activities of Polygonal are aimed at the development of entrepreneurial skills to build self-esteem, patterns of autonomy, experimenting and discovery by young people. As such, Polygonal works together with different youth associations, creating different events throughout the year aimed at enhancing and encouraging youth creativity. 

PISTA MAGICA – Associação (PT)


Pista Mágica is an Education and training provider specialized in the area of volunteering that was born on 2008. Its mission is “Strengthen volunteering as a way to transform society and the world”. The main objectives are to contribute for a full exercise of volunteering: more informed, more motivated, more capable and to change the expired solidarity paradigm based mainly in the “good will” to a new emerging paradigm that should be added the adequate preparation for a volunteering which contributes for a humanitarian work with impact. The main activities we implement are: Education for volunteering; Investigation; Training Courses and Workshops; Auditing in volunteer management; Consulting in the thematic areas of training; Talks about Volunteering; Publish books about volunteering and manuals on volunteering. Besides this, with Pista Mágica growth, they started to provide operationalization services for entities’ volunteer programs and testing volunteering as a tool for overall adaptation to the host country of vulnerable groups. As such, the main target groups of the organisation are: volunteering agents (volunteers, civil society organisations, government agencies, enterprises, educational institutions/universities and volunteer managers); socially vulnerable people; and the community in general.


Mreža MaMa LOGO

Youth Network MaMa in a non-governmental umbrella organization combining 52 organizations that run youth centres or are active in field of youth work in Slovenia. MaMa Network was established as a non-formal network in 2001 at the initiative of youth centres by the bottom-up approach, thus it was created as a response to the needs of youth centres to have a networking umbrella organisation. Its main purpose is to connect youth centres and represent their interests in relation to government sector, decision makers and other stakeholders. It regularly cooperates with local and national stakeholders in order to create measures and policies that would improve the position of young people in society. The MaMa Network is active in the field of youth, according to the needs of its members, thematically upgraded and provides various activities in areas where its members require expertise.